Body Care Essentials

Body Care Essentials


Fulfill someone you love’s daily rituals with these body care essentials, both carefully composed to keep the skin smooth, strong, and velvety-soft. Featuring our Soothing Body Wash and Niacinamide Repair Body Lotion, this Gift Set will nourish the skin with non-stripping washing actives and caring ingredients, leaving the skin intensely hydrated and satisfied. 

Regular price €55,00 EUR
Regular price €73,00 EUR Sale price €55,00 EUR
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Organic ingredients

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Ikke til folk der er sensitive for dufte

Købte denne body lotion da den lød god. Desværre synes jeg at den duftede voldsomt meget så kunne slet ikke forestille mig at smøre hele kroppen ind i den. Ikke en ubehagelig duft, bare for meget til min næse. Gav den til en veninde istedet.

Kære Kiki
Tak for din anmeldelse af vores Niacinamide Repair Body Lotion.

Vi er kede af, at duften ikke var den rette for dig, men vi har selvfølgelig forståelse for, at duftpræferencer er forskellige. Vores lotion indeholder duftnoter fra naturlig citrus, iris og rose, som er sammensat for at give en forfriskende oplevelse. Det er selvfølgelig ærgerligt, at den var for intens for dig, men vi håber trods alt, at din veninde får glæde af produktet.

Vi sætter stor pris på din ærlige feedback – tak for at dele din oplevelse med os. ❤️

Venlig hilsen
Team woods_

Norma McElhone

This product has been amazing. I started to use it on my face and it helped in healing some red spots I have on my face. Love this product. I wish you could send it directly to Canada and not go through United States.

Dear Norma,
Thank you so much for your wonderful review of our Niacinamide Repair Body Lotion.
It’s amazing to hear that the product has also helped combat red spots on your face – this is most likely due to the addition of niacinamide (vitamin B3), which has known properties to reduce redness and inflammation, promoting a more even-toned complexion.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience! ❤️

Lots of love,
Team woods_